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Effect Yutkina – electrohydraulic effect.



Effect or electrohydraulic Yutkin effect is a high voltage electrical discharge in a liquid medium. It causes various physical phenomena such as the emergence of ultra-high pulsed hydraulic pressure (a powerful hammer with a local pressure higher than a hundred thousand atmospheres), electromagnetic radiation in a wide frequency range including, under certain conditions, to x-ray, cavitation phenomena.



Features and benefits effect Yutkina

Getting electrohydraulic effect

Schematic diagram of the effect Yutkina

The application, including processing of peat, extraction of vegetable raw materials



Effect or electrohydraulic Yutkin effect is a high-voltage electric discharge in liquid environment. In the formation of an electric discharge in a liquid, the energy release occurs within a relatively short period of time. Powerful high-voltage electric pulse with a steep rising edge causes a variety of physical phenomena such as the emergence of ultra-high pulsed hydraulic pressure (a powerful hammer with a local pressure higher than a hundred thousand atmospheres), electromagnetic radiation in a wide frequency range including, under certain conditions, to x-ray, cavitation phenomena. These factors affect the liquid and placed in it the bodies of various physico-chemical effects.

For the first time this effect has opened (1933) and explored our compatriot – Soviet scientist Lev Yutkin, on behalf of whom this effect was named.

Electrohydraulic effect Yutkina very definition, is a method of converting electrical energy into mechanical one, produced without the mediation of the intermediate mechanical links, with high efficiency.


Properties and benefits of the effect of Yutkin:

– local increase in pressure up to several tens of thousands of atmospheres. Because of the incompressibility of water and, as a consequence, the distribution of this pressure over the entire water volume, this property can be used for crushing and grinding of rock, metal pressing and stamping, and also for rendering other types of mechanical energy, for example in torque by applying the crank-connecting rod mechanisms of special design,

local increase in temperature. The temperature of the fluid increases disproportionately faster spent on electrohydraulic effect of electricity, which allows you to build on this effect, high-efficiency heating devices. This property appears heat together with the above mentioned property of the local increase in pressure, making appropriate use of both of these properties

– the allocation of water brown gas (mixture of hydrogen and oxygen).


Getting the electrohydraulic effect:

Electrohydraulic discharge occurs upon exposure of the liquid a pulsed voltage of sufficient amplitude and duration, resulting in the development of electric breakdown. The characteristic time of the leading edge of the current pulse discharge from a fraction of a microsecond to several microseconds. The steep front of the voltage applied to the discharge gap in a fluid, is the hallmark and sine qua non for the effect Yutkina.

To obtain the electrohydraulic effect, an alternating current from the network is fed to a step-up transformer where the voltage is increased to several kV. Further, the electric current is rectified by diodes and supplied to the capacitor, where the voltage builds up to the desired value. After that, placed in water electrodes generates high voltage breakdown, which gives rise to the appearance of electro-shock, manifested in the form of a loud Bang with a local pressure increase of several tens of thousands of atmospheres, a local increase in temperature, etc.

One of the most serious practical values and benefits of this effect is its absolute repeatability and ease of implementation even at home, without the use of expensive laboratory equipment and materials.


Schematic diagram of the effect Yutkin:

The author has been repeatedly upgraded and improved their designs, for example, the initial concept eventually was implemented using two arresters, which, according to its Creator, greatly increased the steepness of the pulse edge and made the scheme much more efficient and easier to configure.



Note: R is the charging resistance, Tr – transformer, V – rectifier, FP – forming the spark gap, PA – and a working spark gap in the liquid, From the condenser, BP1 and BP2 forming spark gaps 1 and 2.



different types of cleaning

stress relieving,



electro-hydraulic hammers and vibrators,

electro-hydraulic pumps,

the crushing and grinding,



in medicine, for example for crushing stones in the kidneys.


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