Earthworms are “Prospectors” to increase the fertility of the soil
Earthworms are “Prospectors” to increase the fertility of the soil.
Earthworms are “Prospectors” are used for the production of vermicompost. A healthy worm “Staratel” in the day the earth recycles as much as it weighs itself. If 1 sq m there are 20 thousand worms, the day they “give” about 10 kg of vermicompost.
Comparison of earthworms “Diggers” with red California worms
Earthworms are “Prospectors” are used for the production of vermicompost.
In 1982, Professor A. M. Igonin at the Department of biology of the Vladimir state pedagogical University as a result of selection of the South (Chu) and Northern (Vladimir) earthworms got a new hybrid with unique properties, called the worm “Staratel”.
A healthy worm “Staratel” in the day the earth recycles as much as it weighs itself. If 1 sq m there are 20 thousand worms, the day they “give” about 10 kg of vermicompost.
Vermicompost is the basis of soil fertility of the land. Biohumus or vermicompost – organic fertilizer, a product of organic waste earthworms and bacteria with other organisms. Vermicompost improves soil structure and its water-physical properties. Contains high content of water-soluble forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other Microelements turn into a more mobile form. Along with vermicompost in the soil entered earthworms and microorganisms necessary for normal functioning and waste products of the latter, including plant hormones, accelerating the growth of plants. Vermicompost retains moisture up to 70%, which significantly reduces the amount of watering, and in dry periods protects against moisture. An overdose of this organic fertilizer does not cause adverse effects to plants. Our vermicomposting is widely used in planting,fertilizing all types of agricultural crops, in floriculture, horticulture, in soil reclamation and also for insect control.
High efficiency of vermicompost produced by the worm “Prospector” has already been tested in vegetable greenhouses. When you add in the holes only a small number of sharply increased crop of cucumbers from 14 to 27 kg per square metre. Potato harvest with this set of triples. The carrots and onions yield increases twice, radishes and lettuce – 50%, dill and other greens by eight. Moreover, many vegetables ripen two weeks earlier than usual.
Properties and benefits:
– high performance. Daily, each worm produces coprolites more than its weight,
– endurance. Remains active from 9 to 28 degrees OS
– high fertility. One worm for a year produces offspring over 1500 individuals
– omnivorous. Quickly Refine any manure compost, paper, vegetable and organic waste,etc.,
– quickly and easily switch from one feed type to another
– have a high viability (up to 10-16 years)
calmly tolerate high population density.
Comparison of earthworms “Diggers” with red California worms:
“Californians” thermophilic. The mass death of them starts at zero temperature (below +4 oC). They only feel good until the first snow. Cold for them, so unfamiliar that they do not have time to crawl into the deeper layers of the soil and die. Also they are very hard and long accustomed to eat.
From foreign counterpart earthworms “Prospectors” are more endurance and ability to withstand our harsh climatic conditions. In addition, they are omnivorous and incredibly prolific.