Earthquake prediction with the accuracy of the forecast, is close to one.
Geophysical multi-channel recorder MGR-01 performs measurement in real time the parameters of natural pulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth intended to predict earthquakes with the accuracy of prediction close to the unit, and also exploration. Is a small “suitcase” weighing about 3 kg.
Geophysical multi-channel recorder MGR-01 performs measurement in real time the parameters of natural pulsed electromagnetic field of the Earth intended to predict earthquakes with the accuracy of the forecast, is close to one. Is a small “suitcase” weighing about 3 kg.
Based on the work of the Registrar lies with the theory of Prof. M. D., Professor A. Vorobyov, who suggested that inside the Earth as a result of the electrification of tectonic blocks can accumulate huge charges, and earthquakes — it is nothing like electric breakdown. Multichannel geophysical logger records the microdischarges, which carry information about the structure of the crust. As soon as the deformation of the earth’s crust that occur before earthquakes, the radiation will change and the device will lock.
Registered in the State register of measuring instruments.
network of fixed monitoring stations provide a forecast of time, energy and coordinates of the earthquake a few days before the event when the reliability of the forecast is close to unity,
– logger combines the positive aspects of electrical and seismic methods
– provides extremely high sensitivity to the presence of tectonic faults in earth’s crust, the boundaries of dissimilar breeds, including structures, poorly distinguishable in the methods of seismic exploration
– high performance method
– portability and autonomy of the instrument,
– the ability to work on difficult terrain provide rapid inspection of large areas.
– exploration of,
– monitoring of dangerous geological processes,
– constant monitoring of geological processes,
– the forecasting of earthquakes, landslides, etc. of hazardous geological processes,
– search for structural and lithological inhomogeneities,
– assessment of seismic danger of the territories
– monitoring the geodynamic movements of the earth’s crust,
– fundamental research in the division of Earth Sciences.
Note: the description of technology in example of multichannel geophysical logger MGR-01.