Disposal of chicken manure by bacteria

Utilization of chicken manure using thermophilic lactic acid bacteria.



Method of disposal of chicken litter using a special thermophilic lactic acid bacteria is low-cost. It will include only the cost of acquisition of special bacteria and tedding equipment. Disposal of manure is made during one month. The output is the finished organic fertilizer.




Chemical composition of chicken manure

The technology of composting and recycling chicken manure



Utilization of chicken manure has become a difficult problem for many poultry farms, as costly logistics and funds, and the availability of large areas of farmland. Fresh manure is a source of unpleasant odors, discharge of toxic gases (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide), it can be considerable number of seeds of weed plants, eggs of helminths, it is a favorable environment for pathogen development. In case of untimely processing of such manure becomes a source of environmental pollution (atmosphere, water, soil, groundwater). Without processing in some way fresh manure is not recommended as fertilizer.

Utilization of chicken manure is produced by using thermophilic lactic acid bacteria. They are a mass of living cells and their metabolic products, which destroy proteins, lipids and their derivatives, and also produce organic acids that inhibit the development of pathogenic and putrefactive microflora. Thermophilic bacteria are used to speed up the composting processes, enhance microbial activity and reduce the risk of harmful substances in different organic wastes.

The proposed method of disposal of poultry manure using thermophilic lactic acid bacteria is low-cost. It will include only the cost of acquisition of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria and tedding equipment. Through the use of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria, this problem resolved within 21 days. The output is the finished organic fertilizer.



– low costs: the technology only includes the cost of acquisition of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria and tedding equipment

the output is organic fertilizer, ready to use

– processing of manure into organic fertilizer is ready in just 21 days.


Chemical composition of chicken manure:

Chicken manure is rich in nutrients. In this regard, it is an excellent organic fertilizer. Chicken manure for his qualities as a fertilizer superior to the manure, and the rapidity of action not inferior to the mineral fertilizers.

The concentration of chemical elements in it in three, and sometimes four times higher than other popular types of organic fertilizers of animal origin. In its composition of chicken manure has nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, sulfur, cobalt, boron and many other trace elements necessary for plants. In addition, there is a large supply of biologically active substances that contribute to the growth and rapid development of plants.

However, chicken manure is very strong and quick acting fertilizer, so it should be very the correct dosage and to observe the rules of use. Otherwise, you can harm the soil and plants.


The technology of composting and recycling of chicken manure:

Utilization of chicken manure is on technology of composting. It is performed using orositelnaya machine with simultaneous and single introduction of the working solution of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria by spraying from calculation of 1 liter of solution per 1 ton of organic waste.

It initially formed from chicken manure compost piles. Moisture content in litter should not exceed 60 %.

Then, with the help tedding machines occurs turning the collar and the introduction of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria. Consuming organic waste as a food substrate, bacteria multiply, produce organic compounds and energy. During the composting process the pile is heated to a temperature of + 70° C, which allows to destroy pathogenic microflora, helminth eggs and larvae flies. While mesophilic (harmful, pathogenic) micro-organisms naturally die, and the activity of thermophilic microorganisms is maintained, which speeds up the composting process.

Re-turning and moving compost pile is made every three days with a goal oxygen saturation of compost mass and the active evaporation of excess moisture. Therefore, when fermentation, the compost is shifted seven times with a dirty zone to a clean and cleared in 21 days.

Latest Burt orositelna machine going straight into a truck for removal to the storage area. Mature compost is a homogeneous dark-brown granular mass and fully complies with GOST R 5311702008 “organic Fertilizer based on animal waste”.


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