Dispersants for protection of pipelines from ulcerative and grooving corrosion.
Dispersants for protection of pipelines from ulcerative and grooving corrosion are characterized by simplicity and reliability, the possibility of use in all temperature conditions. They substantially increase the service life of pipelines up to 20-25 years or more.
The benefits of using dispersant
Traditionally, for protection of pipelines from ulcerative and grooving corrosion are special agents – corrosion inhibitors. However, they do not provide the full anti-corrosion protection of technological equipment.
The most effective way to protect piping is the use of dispersants.
Dispersant – mechanical device mounted on a steel flume and pipeline that converts a corrosive fluid flows in a non-corrosive, which prevents their corrosion destruction.
The dispersant does not form persistent emulsions and does not affect field preparation of oil, because the pressure drop across the dispersant is 0.01 to 0.04 MPa. This ensures maximum solubility of the corrosion inhibitor in the stream, which significantly reduces the consumption of reagent.
Data insertion section, and the number of dispersers mounted on long pipelines depend on the field conditions and are determined empirically during the implementation and debugging of corrosion protection systems.
The benefits of using dispersant:
– significantly increases service life of pipelines up to 20-25 years or more,
– reduced costs for the purchase of corrosion inhibitor, as well as the costs of fix in connection with the reduction of required volumes of reagents for corrosion protection,
– by increasing the reliability of the pipeline system are reduced costs for replacement of pipelines and elimination of impulses, improves the rate of production of oil and decreases the cost of production of oil,
– easy operation,
– low cost of implementation and maintenance,
– high efficiency,
– suitability for use in all temperature regimes.