Disinfection of water using graphene oxide
Disinfection of water using graphene oxide.
Technology is in the process of development!
Replace chlorine, ozone, sodium hypochlorite and other oxidizing agents in industrial water treatment capable of graphene oxide. When added to water, it completely destroys the bacteria and along with them the remnants of the fall cereals, which are obtained by conventional mechanical filters.
Disinfection of water using graphene oxide
Disinfection of water using graphene oxide:
In the centralized water supply industrial water purification is carried out using traditional powerful oxidants: chlorine, ozone, sodium hypochlorite, etc., which are either quite strong poisons or expensive to implement.
Scientists developed a technology for the disinfection of water using graphene oxide. They did a number of experiments and came to the following conclusions.
Replace chlorine, ozone, sodium hypochlorite and other oxidizing agents, according to scientists, capable of oxide graphene. When added to water, as it was established during the experiments, it completely destroys the bacteria and along with them the remnants of the fall cereals, which are obtained by conventional mechanical filters. At the same time the water becomes suitable for drinking. Further oxide graphene, precipitated in the form of flakes, with the help of ultrasound is restored to graphene, which can be reused.
Unlike traditional industrial methods of water disinfection, according to scientists, the method has a low cost and simple to implement.
Unfortunately, so far not studied the mechanism of destruction of bacteria with oxide graphene and the effect of oxide graphene on the human body.
Links to sources:
Here are the links to the sources:
https://iz.ru/847626/dmitrii-liudmirskii-anna-urmantceva/grafin-grafena-otkryt-sposob-ochistki-vody-bez-khlora-i-ozona ;
https://misis.ru/university/news/science/2019-04/6103/ .
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