Culture of microorganisms-destructors of oil and oil products Gordona terrae selection is growing one kind of storage growth test collection stages the device for growing stages of selection
Culture of microorganisms-destructors of oil and oil products Gordona terrae.
Microorganisms destructors of oil and oil products Gordona terrae have high efficiency purification of brackish and freshwater, natural and waste waters, soils. Experimental results showed that the maximum degradation of diesel fuel was observed on day 6 and reached 95,6%.
Received a new strain culture microbial degraders Gordona terrae, capable of active degradation of oil and petroleum products in brackish and fresh water, in sewage and natural waters in the soil and ensure the efficient cleanup of contaminated sites from petroleum and petroleum products.
Pollution with oil and petroleum products to the environment is an urgent environmental problem the modern world. Production, transportation, processing and storage of hydrocarbons inevitably leads to the diversion of significant quantities of toxic substances into the environment and its accumulation. The solution to this problem involves the use of metabolic potential of microbial degraders Gordona terrae.
Experimental results showed that the maximum degradation of diesel fuel by these microorganisms was observed on day 6 is 95.6%.
Unlike other decomposers microorganisms Gordona terrae have high catalase activity that creates a pre-emptive adaptive conditions for the survival and work strain in terms of pressure. Consumption efficiency depending on the kind of the hydrocarbon is 50% -90%.
– easy execution of works for the purification of brackish and freshwater, natural and waste waters, soils,
– high efficiency cleaning,
– quick adaptation of the strain Gordona terrae to the environmental conditions and cleaning
– environmentally friendly,
– a relatively small cost, since the method is implemented directly on the scene and eliminated costly operations associated with the removal of contaminated soils or waters.
Note: the description of technology in example of the strain cultures of microorganisms destructors of oil and oil products Gordona terrae.