Copper oxide (II), properties, preparation, chemical reactions

Copper oxide (II), properties, preparation, chemical reactions.



Copper oxide (II) is an inorganic substance has the chemical formula CuO.


Brief characteristics of copper oxide (II)

Physical properties of copper oxide (II)

Obtaining of copper oxide (II)

Chemical properties of copper oxide (II)

Chemical reactions of copper oxide (II)

The application and use of copper oxide (II)


Brief characteristics of copper oxide (II):

Copper oxide (II) is an inorganic substance and black.

Since the valence of copper is changing and is equal to one, two or three, the oxide of copper contains two copper atoms and one oxygen atom, one copper atom and one oxygen atom, two copper atoms and three atoms of oxygen.

The cupric oxide contains one atom of copper and one atom of oxygen.

Chemical formula of copper oxide (II) CuO.

Powder. Not soluble in water.


Physical properties of copper oxide (II):

Parameter name: Value:
Chemical formula CuO
Synonyms and foreign language names copper oxide (OBS. eng.)

copper (II) oxide (eng.)

tenorit (Rus.)

The type of substance. inorganic
Appearance black powder
Color black
Taste —*
The smell
Aggregate state (at 20 °C and atmospheric pressure of 1 ATM.) solid
Density (state of matter – solid, at 20 °C), kg/m3 6310
Density (state of matter – solid, at 20 °C) g/cm3 6,31
Boiling point, °C 2000
Melting point, °C 1447
Decomposition temperature, °C 800
Molar mass, g/mol 79,545

* Note:

— no data.


Obtaining of copper oxide (II):

Copper oxide (II) is obtained by the following chemical reactions:

1. the oxidation of copper:

2Cu + O2 → Cao.

2. thermal decomposition of copper hydroxide (II), copper nitrate (II), copper carbonate (II):

Cu(OH)2 → CuO + H2O (to);

2Cu(NO3)2 → 2СиО + 4NO2 + O2 (to);

CuCO3 → CuO + CO2 (to).

3. heating of malachite:

Cu2CO3(OH)2 → 2СиО + CO2 + H2O (to).


Chemical properties of copper oxide (II). Chemical reactions of copper oxide (II):

Copper oxide (II) applies to the basic oxides.

Chemical properties of copper oxide (II) is similar to the properties of the basic oxides of other metals. So it is characterized by the following chemical reactions:

1. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with hydrogen:

CuO + H2 → Cu + H2O (t = 300 oC).

The reaction produces copper and water.

2. the reaction of copper oxide (II) carbon:

CuO + C → Cu + CO (t = 1200 oC).

The reaction produced copper and oxide of carbon.

3. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with sulfur:

SiO + 2S → Cu + Ѕ2О (t = 150-200 oC).

The reaction proceeds in vacuum. The reaction produced copper and oxide of sulfur.

4. the reaction of copper oxide (II) aluminium:

3СиО + 2Al → 3Cu + Al2О3 (t = 1000-1100 oC).

The reaction produced copper and oxide of aluminium.

5. the reaction of copper oxide (II) copper:

CuO + Cu → Си2О (t = 1000-1200 oC).

The reaction forms a copper oxide (I).

6. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with lithium oxide:

SiO + Li2О → Li2CuО2 (t = 800-1000 oC, O2).

The reaction proceeds in a current of oxygen. The reaction of lithium cuprate is formed.

7. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with a sodium oxide:

SiO + Na2O → Na2CuО2 (t = 800-1000 oC, O2).

The reaction proceeds in a current of oxygen. The reaction produced sodium cuprate.

8. the reaction of copper oxide (II) oxide with carbon:

CuO + CO → Cu + CO2.

The reaction produces copper and carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide).

9. the reaction of copper oxide (II) oxide to iron:

CuO + Fe2O3 → CuFe2О4 (to).

The reaction produced a salt – ferrite copper. The reaction takes place during annealing of the reaction mixture.

10. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with hydrofluoric acid:

CuO + 2HF → CuF2 + H2O.

As a result of chemical reaction it turns out salt is a fluoride of copper and water.

11. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with nitric acid:

CuO + 2HNO3 → 2Cu(NO3)2 + H2O.

As a result of chemical reactions obtained salt – nitrate of copper and water.

Similar are the reactions of copper oxide (II) with other acids.

12. the reaction of copper oxide (II) hydrogen bromide (bromoderma):

CuO + 2HBr → CuBr2 + H2O.

As a result of chemical reaction it turns out salt is copper bromide and water.

13. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with yodovidona:

CuO + 2HI → CuI2 + H2O.

As a result of chemical reaction is obtained salt with copper iodide and water.

14. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with sodium hydroxide:

CuO + 2NaOH → Na2CuO2 + H2O.

As a result of chemical reactions obtained salt – cuprate of sodium and water.

15. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with potassium hydroxide:

CuO + 2KOH → K2CuO2 + H2O.

As a result of chemical reactions obtained salt – cuprate potassium and water.

16. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with sodium hydroxide and water:

CuO + 2NaOH + H2O → Na2[Cu2(OH)]2 (t = 100 oC).

Gidroksid of sodium is dissolved in water. A solution of sodium hydroxide in water 20-30 %. The reaction proceeds at kipenii. As a result of chemical reaction is obtained tetrahydrocurcumin sodium.

17. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with superoxide, potassium:

2CuO + 2KO2 → 2KCuO2 + O2 (t = 400-500 oC).

As a result of chemical reactions obtained salt – cuprate (III), potassium and oxygen.

18. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with potassium peroxide:

2CuO + 2K2O2 → 2KCuO2 (t = 700 oC).

As a result of chemical reactions obtained salt – cuprate (III) potassium.

19. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with sodium peroxide:

2CuO + 2Na2O2 → 2NaCuO2 (t = 700 oC).

As a result of chemical reactions obtained salt – cuprate (III) sodium.

20. the reaction of copper oxide (II) with ammonia:

3CuO + 2NH3 → N2 + 3Cu + 3H2O (t = 500-550 oC).

Ammonia is passed through heated copper oxide (II). The chemical reaction turns the nitrogen, copper, and water.

6CuO + 4NH3 → 2Cu3N + N2 + 6H2O (t = 250-300 oC).

As a result of chemical reaction is obtained nitride of copper, nitrogen and water.

21. the reaction of copper oxide (II) and iodide of aluminum:

6CuO + 4AlI3 → 6CuI + 2Al2O3 + 3H2 (t = 230 oC).

As a result of chemical reactions obtained salt is copper iodide, aluminium oxide and iodine.


The application and use of copper oxide (II):

Copper oxide is used for the manufacture of glass and enamels to give them colour (green, blue, copper-ruby).


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