Combined winding Slavyanka

Combined winding Slavyanka to save energy and improve the main engine performance.



Combined winding Slavyanka (the combination of the two schemes in the one winding) improves the shape field in the working gap of the engine and as a consequence substantially improve engine performance and reduce the consumption of electric energy.




Calculation of motor Slavyanka



Combined winding (combination of two schemes in one winding) improves the shape field in the working gap of the engine and as a consequence substantially improve engine performance and reduce the consumption of electric energy.

To save money, you can make the modernization of electric motors on the “Slavyanka” while conducting planned maintenance.

Field in the working gap of a standard motor speed. As a result, in the engine there are harmonics, vibrations and obstacles that have a negative impact on the engine and degrade its performance. When the load is different from the nominal characteristics of a standard motor are dramatically reduced, decreases the power factor and efficiency.

A form field engine with combined windings (“Slav”) is closer to sinusoidal than the standard engine. As a result, as shown by experience, without increasing the complexity, the lower the consumption of materials, without changing the existing technology, under equal other conditions, get the engine, its characteristics are significantly superior to standard.

To develop the production and upgrading of motors with combined windings is possible in the shortest time in almost any specialized enterprise who manufacture or repair of standard motors. It does not require changes to existing technologies.

Compared to the frequency drives, the proposed technology allows to obtain greater energy savings at lower capital investment. During the operation, the maintenance costs are also significantly lower. Compared with other energy-efficient engines, the offered product is characterized by a lower price for the same performance.



– reduction of current consumption 20-35% depending on the mode;

increase the starting torque of 35%;

– reduction of inrush current by 35%;

increase the minimum time by 35%;

– operation in operation S1 and S3;

the audio level is below 5 dB, the reduction of vibration indicators;

– Efficiency and cos f, which is close to the nominal load range from 25 to 150%;

ability to stand peak overloads;

– the cost of rewinding the motor to “Slavyanka” pays for itself in 2-6 months in the future brings net income due to energy savings;

savings 119000 rubles for electricity for a month (when using the engine power of 200 kW, and operating time per day 24 h and the cost of electricity 4,13 RUB/kWh).


Calculation of motor Slavyanka:

*with the engine power of 30 kW and an operating time per day 12 h

Electric power consumption (kWh) Per day For the week For the month
Traditional motor 360 2520 10800
With combined windings 288 2016 8640
Ekonomiye electricity Slav (kWh) 72 504 2160


*with the engine power of 200 kW and an operating time per day 12 h

Electric power consumption (kWh) Per day For the week For the month
Traditional motor 2400 16800 72000
With combined windings 1920 13440 57600
Ekonomiye electricity Slav (kWh) 480 3360 14400


Note: the description of technology on the example of the combined winding Slavyanka.