Colossal carbon tube
Colossal carbon tube.
Colossal carbon tube – tubular form of carbon. Their diameter is much – tens of thousands of times more carbon nanotubes. They have a structure resembling corrugated cardboard, so are flexible and elastic, perfectly stretched and at the same time retain its high strength.
Colossal carbon tube – tubular form of carbon. Unlike carbon nanotubes, the colossal carbon tubes are much bigger diameter, about 40-100 micrometers. He (the diameter) to tens of thousands times greater than carbon nanotubes. Length colossal carbon tubes reaches up to one centimeter.
Colossal carbon tubes have a wall consisting of several layers of atoms of carbon. The distance between the carbon layers as in graphite is 0.34 nm. On the outer surface of the tubes is a layer of amorphous carbonand the inner layer is missing. The wall thickness is about 1.5 microns. The tube walls are not solid. They have a corrugated structure with a large number of pores of rectangular cross-section, similar to the corrugated carton. Pores separated by carbon layers with a thickness of about 100 nm.
Due to the unique structure of the colossal carbon tube to be flexible and elastic, perfectly stretched and at the same time are very durable material, stronger than carbon nanotubes. Under load the tube does not break, and gradually stretched in length, decreasing in diameter.
Benefits and properties:
– ultra low weight
– high strength. Colossal carbon tube is 15 times stronger than the most durable carbon fiber, 30 – fold than Kevlar and 224 times than the ordinary cotton fabric,
– high plasticity and elasticity,
– very low density, comparable with carbon nanopool, which is about 0.2 mg/cm3 (for comparison, the air density of 1.29 mg/cm3),
– the conductivity of colossal carbon tubes 10 times higher than that of fibers from multi-walled carbon nanotubes. With increasing temperature the conductivity increases,
– hold the light
– the strength of the gap is of the order of 7 GPa,
specific strength (breaking length) is 6000 km, which exceeds the specific strength of carbon nanotubes.
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