Colonization Of The Moon.
Colonization of the moon is of interest not only because of the production of her mineral resources – primarily of helium-3, but also because removing it from the Earth of harmful and hazardous industries.
Colonization of the moon – is expected to create on the moon permanent human settlements and (or) robots.
Colonization of the moon is the subject, not only science fiction, but also a variety of scientific concepts. Colonization of the moon is expected in two stages. In the first phase – sending to the moon and settling its robots, the second – person.
Of particular interest is the Moon is due to minerals, which on Earth do not exist in large numbers. So, on the surface of the moon in a layer of lunar soil, regolith, accumulated rare Earth isotope helium-3, which can be used as a fuel for future fusion reactors. On the moon are millions of kilograms of helium-3.
Also found on the moon and other minerals: aluminium, iron, titanium, as well as deposits of water ice.
The moon is of interest not only about the cause of the production of her mineral resources, but also because of the injection into it of harmful and dangerous manufactures.
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