Coal-water fuel in Russia, bodogol manufacture and use characteristics
Coal-water fuel.
Hydrocarbon fuel has a 100% explosion-fire, can 100% replace the fuel oil in the boiler, operating exclusively on residual fuel oil. It reduces in 1.5-3.5 times of harmful air emissions (dust, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and other substances), reducing the cost of production of 1 Gcal of heat energy up to 70% for transfer of boiler-houses from fuel oil to hydrocarbon fuel.
Description of coal-water fuel
The advantages of coal-water fuel
Preparation, storage and transportation of coal-water fuel
Description of coal-water fuel:
Coal-water fuel, bodogol (abbreviation: VUT) is a liquid fuel, which is produced by mixing crushed coal, water and plasticizer. Hydrocarbon fuel can be produced not only from coal, but from sludge and wastes of coal production, which make hydrocarbon fuel is still cheaper.
CWF is designed for use on heat-generating objects, mainly as an alternative to natural gas and fuel oil. It can significantly reduce costs in the production of thermal and electric energy.
Bodogol has the following composition: coal (60-70%), water (30-40%), plasticizer (1%). The size of coal particles of 50-70 microns. Hydrocarbon fuel retains its stability and ability to burn from a few days to 30 days. The ignition temperature of HLA – 800-850 °C, the combustion temperature is 950-1150 °C, calorific value – kcal 3700-4700. The degree of combustion of carbon of the order of 95-99 %. Bodogol completely fire – and explosion.
Bodogol burned in an ordinary boiler through the spraying torch. Combustion of coal-water fuel is divided into two phases: evaporation, combustion of the released volatiles coal and the subsequent combustion of the particulate coal. The presence of moisture (water) in the coal-water fuel, although requires the expenditure of energy on the phase transition of water from liquid to gaseous state, but its size (energy) are negligible. So, for most brands of coals it is believed that for every 10 % moisture spent 1 % of the calorific value of coal. It should be noted that the coal intended for combustion in the boiler, already contains moisture up to 25%.
The advantages of coal-water fuel:
– reduction of 1.5-3.5 times of harmful air emissions (dust, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide and other substances),
– reducing huge amounts of coal sludge
– reducing the cost of production of 1 Gcal to 70% on transfer of boiler-houses from fuel oil to coal-water fuel,
– reducing the cost of production of 1 Gcal of heat energy up to 35% when translated boilers with grate combustion of hydrocarbon fuel,
– ability to use a wide range of solid types of fuel: low-grade coals, oil shale, peat, coal sludge with ash content up to 30%, the production of coal-water fuel
– education after burning VUT waste – ash – the finished product for materials,
– has a 100% explosive and fire safety,
– the degree of burnout of the fuel mass of 95-99%,
water – coal fuel can 100% replace the fuel oil in the boilers that run solely on fuel oil, without any additions and changes to the design of the boiler,
– coal-water fuel can be transported by pipeline,
– fast payback of investment costs from 1 to 2.5 heating seasons (depends on the capacity of the boiler, previously used scheme, etc. factors),
– hydrocarbon fuel can be fed in the boiler at t >10C, while the fuel oil at t >70C,
– the cost of coal-water fuel, ready for direct use, in terms of per tonne of conditional fuel below the cost of fuel oil in two to four times and does not exceed 15-20 percent of the price of raw coal in place of its production,
– technology of storage and transportation of coal-water fuel is simple and does not require heightened security measures, the purchase of additional equipment.
Preparation, storage and transportation of coal-water fuel:
Preparation of coal-water fuel is carried out by wet grinding of coal in a ball drum mill for continuous wet grinding to a particle size of 50-70 microns, and the subsequent cavitation treatment. The cavitation treatment is necessary to ensure stability, sustainability and ability to combustion of the resulting fuel. The addition of plasticizers extends the life of ready coal-water fuel.
Transportation VUT can be carried out through pipelines similar to the oil either in tanks. Unlike fuel oil tanks, containers, which are transported in winter, VUT easily cleaned from residual fuel.
Storage of coal-water fuel can be produced in any closed containers (cisterns, tanks, etc.). Because VUT 100% fire – and explosion-proof, no additional requirements compliance with fire safety regulations during transport and storage is not required.
When exceeding the storage time of coal-water fuel before use should be carried out cavitation treatment.