Chopper of vegetables and fruits for slicing thin slices.
Chopper of vegetables and fruits is a brand new device that allows you to cut fruits and vegetables into thin slices with minimum losses and minimum cost of energy. The effect is achieved due to zigzag cutting plane on which the knives are placed at an angle to each other.
Currently used in the food industry disc and drum grinders. And those and others destroy the fabric of the fruit, it expires juice loses vitamins, the cut will be uneven. Chopper vegetables and fruits – this brand new camerathat allows you to cut fruits and vegetables into thin slices with minimum losses and minimum cost of energy.
The effect is achieved due to zigzag cutting plane on which the knives are placed at an angle to each other. The cutting surface of the shredder has the form of an isosceles triangle in which the knives mounted horizontally, shifted vertically relative to each other.
With this design, the Apple or the potato is in contact in the same plane with two blades, forming a symmetrical pair on the opposite sides of a zigzag surface, and loses much less juice.
For example, Apple varieties Antonovka or Jonathan weight 110 g derives only 1.8 g of juice, 2.5−3 times less than with the traditional method of cutting. The slices are fine and smooth.
Anticopy chopper fruit and vegetables saves not only Apple juice but also energy. The tests showed that ten of the knives arranged in the same plane, cut the Apple with an average force of 245 N, and in a zigzag arrangement, it is sufficient 120 N. The force required for cutting Apple, affect the speed of the process, the angle of slip of the knife and the shear knife vertically relative to each other. Slicer allows you to adjust the settings. The optimal shift was 2 mm, respectively, of such thickness out of Apple slices.
Performance latinoware shredder is up to 5000 kg/h and the energy intensity of the process is reduced by 25-30%.
Abroad for slicing apples into thin slices using a highly specialized machine that can grind at the same time only 1 fruit, and their price exceeds 400 thousand RUB Anticopy chopper fruit and vegetables in one working cycle, that is, in just a few seconds, cuts up to 12 kg of apples, and the cost of it is about 31 thousand roubles.