Chipboard environmentally friendly silicate-based binder water-resistant laminated particle Board price manufacture the thickness of GOST for the size of floor for wall application to buy
Chipboard environmentally friendly silicate-based binder.
Chipboard made on the basis of silicate binder, is environmentally friendly and safe for humans and the environment. The silicate binder is a complete replacement of phenol-formaldehyde resin. In addition, the use of silicate binders it is possible to use as fillers chipboard waste wood industry and agriculture, e.g. rice husks, bark of the trees.
The technology is awaiting funding!
The advantages of chipboards with silicate binders
Chipboard or particleboard is a composite material which is produced from wood waste by method of hot flat pressing of dried industrial chips, shavings and sawdust, mixed with a binder (6-18 % by weight of the chips), followed by pressing for one – and multi-storey presses periodic or continuous tape, crawler or extrusion units.
Traditional wood-chipboard, ie. manufactured according to traditional technology, the material is environmentally safe. In the production of woodchipboards to bind the shavings, chips and sawdust are used-formaldehyde resin, threat to human health. These resins, which are used in its production, in the process of operation emit harmful formaldehyde.
To avoid the allocation of these substances into the air and harm the health of a person developed new binders are silicate binders.
The silicate binder is a sodium liquid glass with hardener – organic mineral additives, i.e. based on the salts of silicic acid.
The silicate binder when added to the solutions or other materials in addition to bonding drastically change the properties of materials. In particular, increases the strength and stability of the product to the fire.
The silicate binder is a complete replacement of phenol-formaldehyde resin.
In addition, the use of silicate binders it is possible to use as fillers of wood-particle boards of different waste wood industry and agriculture, e.g. rice husks, bark of the trees.
The advantages of chipboards with the silicate binder:
– high strength, rigidity. The strength of the ligament at break 50 MPa. Strength of products up to the crushing – 200МПа,
– uniformity,
– ease in handling. Woodparticle Board lends itself well to machining (sawing, planing, drilling, milling),
– easily glued and painted
– chipboard is devoid of such disadvantages inherent in the wood like knots, internal voids and cracks
– fire
– do not swell when heated,
– safe for humans and the environment
– environmentally friendly manufacturing and operation,
– water resistance.