Chamber electric furnace on the basis of refractory phosphate concrete.
Modular principle of construction allows the construction of furnaces best suited for a specific process. The working chamber electric furnaces is collected from heating a standard “sandwich blocks” of phosphate concretes that are multiples of 400×400 mm. Such furnaces have lower energy, the necessary energy capacity can be reduced in 2-3 times.
Description “closed” design of the heaters of electric furnaces
The advantages of heating (thermal) block
Chamber electric furnace new design – flexible combined type are based on phosphate refractory concretes.
The know-how of electric ovens is in the materials used and the liner design (used phosphate concrete in the form of “sandwich panels”), a special movable design of the arches of industrial furnaces, as well as the special design of the heaters in “closed” type – heating (thermal) units.
Modular principle of construction allows the construction of kilns best suited to the manufacturing process of the customer (the working chamber electric furnaces is collected from the standard “sandwich units” and multiply 400×400 mm), or upgrade existing furnaces of any type of heating, achieving significant advantages.
– design flexibility (the arch of the furnace is movable, when the heating/cooling oven “breathes” – furnace lining gets rid of the threat of mechanical overloads that occur during operation of the furnace, thereby substantially increasing their life up to 8-10 years),
– chamber electric furnaces have a block principle of construction (configuration of the smelting chamber is optimized for customer requirements: by area of placement, in volume, form),
– smaller dimensions of the furnace (using a special “sandwich”blocs),
– lower metal content and strength characteristics of phosphate concretes allow to use them as carrying construction material,
– absence of necessity of application of the connecting and sealing materials in the form of a solution or refractory soft cords (the surface of monolithic blocks of phosphate of concrete ensures a tight connection with the occurrence of ionic bonds),
– uniform heating “plane” (heating “closed” type, the lack of local zones of overheating),
– microprocessor control, convenience, and quality heat treatment (the ability to ensure accuracy at ±0.5°C; too stiff.furnaces ±0.2°C),
– mechanical strength. Strength characteristics of phosphate concretes provide the mechanical strength of the lining system and the heating (thermal) units, the resistance of the lining to mechanical stress, abrasion, shattering, cracking,
– less energy intensive. The necessary energy capacity can be reduced to 2-3 times,
– chemical resistance. Chemical durability of phosphate concretes allows you to work with aggressive media: acids, molten salts, glass and metals
chamber electric furnace have a high number of “thermal cycles” (more than 100), reliability (longer service life, less repair time),
– Electromechanical control of the door and/or the furnace is implemented by the remote console to the wall of the furnace or on the wall of the shop, either for remote support,
properties of phosphate concretes allowed to create a new design of liners, including “sandwich” using air as the insulator, which significantly reduces the thickness of the lining is 300 mm,
– application design of the “floating” roof of the furnace allowed to demirovici repeated stress of the lining caused by thermal expansion,
– the unique properties of the lining material in combination with the structural features of construction of the furnace, the system heating from the heating (thermal) units and the use of microprocessor control systems leads to a multiplier effect for chamber electric resistance furnaces, namely a significant reduction of electricity consumption for such a furnace (at times), and General improvement of its reliability.
– metallurgical industry,
– metal processing: heat treatment of metal items (heating, roasting, hardening, melting)
– the heat
– refining and petrochemical industry,
– production of construction materials,
– and also in other industries: baking and drying of glass and ceramics (with restrictions), drying of various coatings, etc.
Description “closed” design of the heaters of electric furnaces:
Heating (thermal) units of phosphate thermally conductive concrete are designed to address several shortcomings of existing designs in a resistance furnace connected with the open coils inside the furnace, large temperature gradients in the working volume due to the uncontrollable distribution of the radiation energy, overheating of the heaters.
The heater in the wire of the zigzag (as the most effective form of heater) is filled with phosphate thermally conductive concrete directly in the manufacturing process of the heating (heat) unit. In this “closed” design of the heater “withdraw” energy from the entire surface of the heater and the effective direction of the object exposure is carried out without local overheating, as the temperature is equalized over the entire area of the heating (heat) unit. In turn, a uniform radiation of energy from surface heating (thermal) units results in a uniform temperature distribution in the working volume of the furnace.
Additional benefits of heating (thermal) units of this design are connected with the electric insulation placed in their heaters and immunity of the latter from external mechanical influences due to the high strength of phosphate concrete.
Heating power (heat) unit is governed by the performance of the actual heater from KH23JU5T with the desired characteristics.
The standard unit is made for single-phase electric circuit of 220 V 50 Hz with an impedance of 1.5 to 3.5 Ohms. If necessary, the heating (thermal) units can be made to work from a network 380 V.
Standard unit size: 400×400 mm. nominal working temperature: +1000°C. the Maximum operating temperature (may be short-term for 1-2 hours): +1150°C.
The advantages of heating (thermal) unit:
– the uniformity of heating (heating “closed” type, the lack of local zones of overheating),
– chemical resistance (ability to work with aggressive media including acids),
– mechanical strength (resistance to mechanical stress, abrasion, shattering, cracking),
– reliability (longer service life).