Biogas reactor-based thermophilic methanogenesis
Biogas reactor-based thermophilic methanogenesis.
Biogas plant (biogas reactors) got currently a huge spread. They are all built on the basis of mesophilic methane fermentation, and this process is very long – 15-20 days. Thermophilic methanogenesis, which develops at a temperature of 52-56 °C, is much faster and the methane bacteria consume all the organics in just two days.
The technology is awaiting funding!
Description of the biogas reactor
The advantages of biogas reactor
Description of the biogas reactor:
Biogas plant (biogas reactors) got currently a huge spread. They are all built on the basis of mesophilic methane fermentation, a process occurring at a temperature of from 35 to 42 °C, very long and because although 1 ton of cattle manure gives 60 m3 of biogas with methane content of 60% and a considerable admixture, up to 10% of ammonia, it takes 15-20 days.
In contrast to mesophilic methanogenesis, thermophilic methanogenesis, which develops at a temperature of 52-56 °C, is much faster and the methane bacteria consume all the organics in just two days. Methane bacteria are extremely sensitive to changes in temperature of 1-1. 5 °C and very demanding on the pH of the materials. Increasing the acidity they quickly die. Also thermophilic methane bacteria can be killed with a sharp pressure drops. Thermophilic methane bacteria need finely powdered, fermentativnoi raw materials and bioreactors relatively small diameter. As a result, thermophilic biogas reactors require some more power and better raw materials than conventional, mesophilic biogas plant.
The cheapest and therefore the preferred raw material for thermophilic methanogenesis, which has a fairly high yield of biogas from 1 ton of raw materials are:
– plant vegetables – 280-490 m3,
– vegetable waste – 330-500 m3,
– grass – 280-630 m3,
– silage – 200-400 m3
– wheat straw – 200-300 m3
– chaff of wheat – 450-550 m3,
– damaged grain – 400-500 m3.
The content of methane in the biogas obtained from these raw materials varies from 70% in leaves, vegetable waste, clover, and herbs, to 60% in wheat straw. The analysis of raw materials shows that better suited the Jerusalem artichoke, which is the accumulated energy exceeds the dry matter of wheat and is only slightly inferior to soybean and corn grain – feed units 120 vs 127. Therefore, the output of biogas from him is 600 m3 from 1 ton of dry matter when the methane content of 85%. In addition, the silage Jerusalem artichoke is almost neutral in pH, has a pleasant smell of apples (unlike other raw materials) and can be stored for 3 years.
Biogas reactor on the basis of thermophilic methanogenesis at its core is a real breakthrough in the field of biogas.
The advantages of biogas reactor:
– thermophilic biogas reactor has a daily capacity of pure methane up to 300 m3 per day with the volume of the bioreactor all three (3) m3 on biological raw materials from the Jerusalem artichoke,
– thermophilic biogas reactor produces methane, purified from carbon dioxide gas,
– all processes, including loading the substrate in thermophilic biogas reactor, fully automated,
– thermophilic biogas reactor volume of 3 m3 is placed in a small room with an area not exceeding 20 m2, plus you need a unit 15 m2 for storage of a monthly stock biomass
– high rate of methanogenesis.
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