Bioethanol is a liquid alcohol fuel.
Bioethanol is a liquid alcohol fuel – ethanol, which is produced from agricultural products containing starch or sugar, such as corn grain or sugar cane, potato, sweet potato, barley, sweet sorghum, sugar beet, Jerusalem artichoke, etc. of agricultural crops. Raw material of bioethanol can be such wastes of agriculture and forestry, like sawdust, straw of wheat and rice, etc.
Bioethanol – an alternative fuel, the production of bioethanol
Benefits and properties of bioethanol
Bioethanol – an alternative fuel, the production of bioethanol:
Bioethanol is a liquid alcohol fuel – ethanol, which is produced from agricultural products containing starch or sugar, such as corn grain or sugar cane. In addition to the main plant for bio-ethanol production are ideal: potatoes, yams, barley, sweet sorghum, sugar beet, Jerusalem artichokes and other crops. In addition, different manufacturers manage to bioethanol in large quantities from the pulp. Raw materials in this case for plants of bioethanol can be such wastes of agriculture and forestry, like sawdust, straw of wheat and rice and more.
Ethanol (bioethanol) is less “energoplan” source of energy than gasoline and is used in pure form and in mixtures with gasoline in different proportions. The fuel equivalent for 1 litre of ethanol is equal to 0,65-0,66 liters of gasoline. The price of ethanol below the price of gasoline. A mixture of E-10 contains 10% ethanol, E-85, respectively, 85 %. Ten percent fuel without alterations you can fill any modern car. The use of 85 percent requires modifying the engine and power. There are so-called Flex-Fuel (FFV) cars that can run on gasoline and its mixture with ethanol in any ratio. Last not produced in Russia.
When you use grain, sugar beets (molasses, sugar) from raw materials grown in 1 ha, you can get an average of 2560 liters of ethanol. It is known that Russia has a significant reserve of acreage that can be used for planting industrial crops allocated to bioethanol production. The choice of these crops is very wide, since ethanol can be produced from any biomass. However, the yield of ethanol from 1 t of biomass will be different: potatoes – 100 l of oats – 320, from barley – 380, from wheat and rye – 400, from corn – 420, made of rice – 456, of the sweet sorghum – 500 l.
Benefits and properties of bioethanol:
– adding bioethanol in gasoline and the production of a mixture of E-10 and E20 economically. It is established that every 3% bio-ethanol added to increase octane number of gasoline by 1-1. 5 units. Hence, another opportunity to save fuel is to buy gasoline with a lower octane rating. Based on the above, if you add in A92 10% ethanol, we get an A95, but if you add 20% of ethanol, you will get A98. However, adding more than 30% of the bioethanol is only possible if there are design changes of the car
– bioethanol as a fuel is neutral as a source of greenhouse gases. It has a zero balance of carbon dioxide, because during its production by fermentation and subsequent combustion produces the same amount CO2 as it was linked from the atmosphere used for the production of plants,
– contained in the ethanol oxygen allows a more complete burn of the hydrocarbon fuel. 10% ethanol content in gasoline can reduce the emissions of aerosol particles up to 50 %, emissions by 30 %,
– ethanol does not pollute the environment, groundwater,
– decomposes in a natural way when you spill fuel faster than others of its components.