Bio vegetari – a greenhouse complex year-round use Ivanova DIY reviews greenhouse drawing by carpet projects purchase price the cost of live eco
Bio vegetari is a multifunctional, modular greenhouse complex year-round use.
Bio vegetari is a modern, fast, resource-saving, multi-functional, modular greenhouse complex year-round use for vermicompost, organic green products, and fish. Perhaps filling bio vegetariya other symbiotic relationships: rabbits, nutria, goat, sheep, quail, chickens, etc.
Bio vegetari is a modern, fast, resource-saving, multi-functional, modular greenhouse complex year-round use for vermicompost, organic green products, and fish. Perhaps filling bio vegetariya other symbiotic relationships: rabbits, nutria, goat, sheep, quail, chickens, etc.
In bio vegetaria the technology of growing plants in vermicompost without the use of chemical fertilizers on the principle of the closed cycle as nature intended. This allows to obtain environmentally friendly food year round in any climatic conditions with high yields. In bio vegetaria attempt to get closer to the maximum closed ecological biodynamic system, which is characterized by minimal garbage waste products. It recovery (re-use) waste and energy.
In the design of bio vegetariya modular. It usually consists of three modules:
– areas of vegetation,
– zone vermicultivation (production of vermicompost),
– pools for fish farming.
On request it is possible the location of the other modules: poultry houses (chickens, quail), etc.
Each module performs several complex tasks. In block vermicultivation bacteria and worms unprocessed manure and manure into a valuable fertilizer – vermicompost. In the process, energy is released burning manure and carbon dioxide, which is the basic element of the process of biosynthesis of green mass of plants in the block of plant growth. Plants absorbing carbon dioxide producing oxygen for the respiration of animals and fish. Fish eating worm, allocate valuable fertilizer for watering the same plants, etc. Receiving the energy of pyrolysis (required for space heating in winter), additionally we get charcoal for the adsorption of harmful gases in the atmosphere bio vegetariya.
For illumination of plants there are special energy-saving lamps. Watering plants is automatic. In the end part on the entrance of bio vegetariya located area for storage of raw materials and finished products.
– high economic efficiency,
– autonomy design,
ecological cleanliness of production and manufacture,
– the use of different energies unit of the complex,
– high productivity.