Bentonite mats price, buy laying waterproofing installation
Bentonite mats.
Bentonite mats have a high waterproofing properties, strength, damage resistance, flexibility, ability to samolechenie for a long period in a variety of hydrogeological conditions. The material is as old as building itself. Bentonite mats work on the principle of “put and forget”. Do not require any repair.
A bentonite Mat is a geosynthetic waterproofing materials, developed on the basis of natural bentonite clay. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they quickly absorb moisture, water holding and not pass it through themselves. Found another name in the construction material – “clay castle”.
Bentonite mats consist of two or more layers of woven and nonwoven geotextiles, between which are granules of bentonite clay. The geotextile performs the reinforcement of the role and holds the bentonite granules within the material.
Bentonite granules consist of small pieces of bentonite clay. It is the active component of waterproofing that prevents the passage through water and moisture. Bentonite clay is a natural and environmentally friendly adsorbent material. When interacting with water, bentonite clay absorbs it, swells, increases in volume and forms a waterproof bentonite gel. Due to the formation of a bentonite gel and water moisture that is accumulated on one surface of the bentonite Mat, not leaking to another surface. Back surface always remains dry.
If the bentonite Mat to pierce a nail, awl, etc., then bentonite gel will fill the damage and “heal” the defect. This property of bentonite clay called samolechenie. No other waterproofing materials do not possess this unique property.
Bentonite mats have a high waterproofing properties, strength, damage resistance, flexibility, ability to samolechenie for a long period in a variety of hydrogeological conditions. The material is as old as building itself. Bentonite mats work on the principle of “put and forget”. Do not require any repair.
The material is intended for horizontal and vertical waterproofing of underground and buried parts of buildings and structures, as well as impervious screens – protective layer from contact with soil and ground water polluting substances.
Among all waterproofing materials, bentonite mats are practically the only material with this set of unique waterproofing and performance properties.
Bentonite mats are manufactured in rolls.
Benefits and properties:
– high waterproofing properties. Material is moisture and water in any one or in the other side surface. He is not afraid as groundwater, as surface water and precipitation,
– not afraid of punctures, etc. Bentonite Mat has the property of self-healing in the event of a puncture restores the damaged area
properties of bentonite clay to absorb moisture and water are not temperature dependent, the hydrogeological conditions. These properties persist for a long time (over 100 years),
– bentonite Mat has high strength, resistance to various injuries and tears,
– frost. Bentonite mats are not afraid of freezing temperatures and temperature changes,
– the material is not in need of repair. Once laid waterproofing material forgot
– ease of installation. Does not require training. Requires no special equipment and instruments. Styling does not depend on temperature and weather conditions. The reason for placing allows the irregularities to not more than 15 mm. Bentonite mats are not afraid of remaining on the Foundation stones, etc. Laying bentonite Mat is a unrolling the roll and laying the cloth on the ground. Panels are overlapped, and places of overlap Wake up bentonitovykh granules. You can also run a sealed seam in areas of overlap (but not necessarily)
– environmentally friendly,
– resistance to aggressive environments,
– has an antifungal effect. On its surfaces are not formed mold, fungus,etc.
– high flexibility. Material without loss of its waterproofing and operational properties of skirts of different roughnesses, angles,etc.,
– replaces several layers of conventional waterproofing (if you put other materials).
Bentonite (named for the field, Benton, USA) is a natural clay mineral, hydroaluminium, has the property to swell upon hydration (14-16 times). The main component of bentonite is montmorillonite, which gives bentonite waterproofing and pronounced sorption properties.
In a confined space for the free swelling in the presence of water forms a thick gel that prevents further penetration of moisture. This property, as well as non-toxicity and chemical stability makes it indispensable in industrial production, construction and many other applications.
– waterproofing tunnels, foundations, basements, bunkers,
– construction of reservoirs,
– waterproofing of construction projects to protect the groundwater, and from them,
– waterproofing of water bodies (pools, channels, dams, water storages, reservoirs),
– waterproofing special facilities (oil storage, industrial waste storage facilities).
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