Ayers technology conversion of metal on the friction surfaces
Ayers technology conversion of metal on the friction surfaces in different crystal structure.
The essence of the ERS technology is to convert the metal on the friction surfaces with a special chemical composition to another (different) crystalline structure with unique physical characteristics by growing a new layer until the optimization of the gaps and give the treated mechanisms are not achievable in other ways performance.
Advantages and positive effect of ERS technology
Larger photo new structures and test results
The properties of the new structure and wear layer
The essence of the ERS technology is the conversion of a metal on the surfaces of friction to another (different) crystalline structure with unique physical characteristics by growing a new layer until the optimization of the gaps and give the treated mechanisms are not achievable in other ways performance.
The vehicle for this transformation lies in the special structure. It is made on the basis of one of the many varieties of the Ural mineral serpentine, whose reserves are located in Russia. Besides, the chain is composed of catalysts and minerals, such as masking a part of and involved in the process. Only about 100 components.
Particularly it should be noted that in the vast majority of cases, the mechanisms are processed by the composition of ERS technologies in operating, without disassembly and withdrawal from the process cycle.
Working principle:
During operation of the mechanism in the friction process, there are vzaimoosmotry of Microsystem surfaces of metals. When changes occur microspace a temperature range from 800 to 1200 deg. Celsius. Chem. processoresg the composition of the mineral – iron, silicon, aluminum, magnesium. The first (due to the chain of catalysts) the reaction takes Mg. It raises the temperature of microspikes to 1500 deg. Celsius. This is the melting point of the metal, but since it happens on a submolecular level, that of fusion, as such, is not happening. Under these conditions, the interatomic connection become unstable and, through a chain of catalysts begins “the switch”, the connection of atoms in a different more three-dimensional design, with the “building-up” the friction surfaces and restoration wear.
The levers of the process – the ratio, load, temperature, local and General. A clear boundary between the layer and the metal carrier could not be established even with top-notch equipment. Coefficients of thermal linear expansion is similar to metal-carrier. As soon as the fade conditions of the process, it slows down and stops altogether. The obtained heavy-duty and sverhskorostey layer can withstand a fantastic load without any harm to themselves, hence high resistance to wear and repeated extension of the resource node and the friction mechanism as a whole.
Ayerstechnology and the use of additives in the oil that improves the properties of oil – these are two completely different processes with different outcomes and different economic effects.
Advantages and positive effect of ERS-technology:
– restoration of working parameters of used components, machines and mechanisms with the further exception, as all kinds of repairs and idle time of machinery and equipment
– reduction of fuel consumption, including engine, 8-15 %,
– extending the oil change 2-8 times,
– reducing electricity consumption by 5-15%
– life extension of machines and mechanisms 2 times and above,
– reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases of vehicles,
– restoration of working parameters of used components, machines and mechanisms in the mode of their normal operation,
– support restored the operating parameters throughout the life of the equipment,
– fold increase in wear resistance,
– the work of the tribological pair,
– modification of the surface of the metal layer,
– optimization of the geometry of the critical areas of friction,
education sverhsoldata layer and a coefficient of friction of 0.003 – 0,007,
– overstrength of the new structure,
– uniform coefficient of thermal linear expansion with the metal of the friction units,
– reduction of expenses for purchase of spare parts and the number of equipment repairs,
– increasing the durability and prolonging service life of equipment and machinery both new and used,
– reduce accidents and downtime.
Larger photo new structures and test results:
The microhardness of the layer:
– Photo 1 – before treatment HV = 546,
– Photo 2 – after treatment HV = 1145.
The properties of the new structure and wear-resistant layer:
– has a mirror surface on which works fine the oil film. On normal surfaces the oil film is easily torn with the ridges of microrelief under load, and the flash of heat in the micro contact is inevitable destructure its remains,
– with the high microhardness of the surface of plastic,
– has the same with a metal of linear thermal expansion,
– when heating and cooling is not destroyed and does not flake as the metal of the surface layer it is integral,
– more resistant to wear and corrosion than metal
– the thickness of the formation layer is influenced by the degree of destruction of the surfaces, the amount of the composition, the energy (temperature) emitted in the contact metal-metal,
– the thickness of the layer exactly such what are necessary to compensate for wear and the optimization of gaps in friction pairs.
Note: the description of technology in example of ERS technology.