




Alnico – magnetic hard alloy based on iron (53 %), aluminum (10 %), Nickel (19 %) and cobalt (18 %) for permanent magnets obtained by casting from powders and hot deformation of the ingot. The Russian name of this alloy – alloy UNDC.







Alnico (eng. Alnico) – magnetic hard alloy based on iron (Fe) (53 %), aluminum (Al) (10 %), Nickel (Ni) (19 %) and cobalt (Co) (18 %) for permanent magnets obtained by casting from powders and hot deformation of the ingot. The Russian name of this alloy – alloy UNDC.

Used for making permanent magnets.



– high remanence,

high corrosion resistance,

a great value Br (magnetic field strength),

– stability at high temperatures (up to 550 °C),

– magnetic energy of 60-70 kJ/m3,

Curie temperature 810-900 With,

– temperature coefficient of VG -0,02 %/S,

density of 7.0 to 7.3 g/cm3,

– electrical resistivity of 0.5-0.65 Ohm*mm2/m,

coefficient of thermal expansion 11-13 (%/C)*106,

– the limit of the tensile strength of 30-40 N/mm2,

limit the Flexural strength of 60-70 N/mm2,

– Rockwell hardness of 45-50 NKS,

reversible permeability from 2.0-8.0 MT/(kA/m),

– maximum operating temperature: 450-520 C,

field magnetization 250-600 kA/m.


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