Aeroponika, description, advantages, equipment.
Aeroponika is the process of growing plants suspended in the air amongst the fog, without the use of soil or an aggregate medium known as hydroponics. The idea of aeroponic cultivation of plants arose in the process of observing the growth of orchids in nature, as they grow in a tropical climate are developing in the air and grow freely in trees.
Foreign experience of the use of Aeroponics
Description Aeroponics:
Aeroponika is the process of growing plants suspended in the air amongst the fog, without the use of soil or an aggregate medium known as hydroponics. The idea of aeroponic cultivation of plants arose in the process of observing the growth of orchids in nature, as they grow in a tropical climate are developing in the air and grow freely in trees.
Unlike hydroponics, which uses a liquid nutrient solution in the nutrient substrate to support the growth of plants, aeroponika uses water to transfer nutrients to the plant roots in the form of fog, which is formed through the spray from the aerosol. Thus, the roots of the plants hang freely, their growth and development does not low.
The minimum droplet size + effective on / off time of fogging (fogging) = growth of large roots = increase in plant growth.
The size of water droplets is crucial for sustaining aeroponic growth. Too big a drop of water hinders access of oxygen to the root system. Too thin a drop of water can not develop a lateral root system.
The third basis of Aeroponics, in addition to the systematic irrigation of the root system with a nutrient solution and the size of the water droplets is the maximum saturation of it (the root system) with oxygen. The greater the access of air to the roots, the better and faster developing plants.
Aeroponics method increases the yield to 10 times compared to using the soil in traditional growing plants.
The advantages of Aeroponics:
– increase productivity 10 times in comparison with the use of the soil in traditional growing plants,
– aeroponika is the most advanced method of cultivation. Without dirt, dust, problems of depletion of soil and to combat the many pests
– the nutrients are dissolved in water and fed into the root zone under pressure through a nozzle or atomizer for Aeroponics,
– thus grown plants are environmentally safe,
– the roots are placed in the environment rich in oxygen, it accelerates the growth of planting material and shortens the maturation period
– artificial climate best suits the needs of the plants, and they produce a harvest several times more than traditional cultivation in soil or substrate,
– through accelerated vegetation on the same area it is possible to obtain several harvests per year
– easy to clean system and updating of the planting: for the new season is enough to remove the old plants and to wash the irrigation system.
Equipment Aeroponics:
Equipment Aeroponics involves the use of sprayers, foggers or other devices to create a fine mist of the solution.
As equipment, for example, using hydro-atomizer-sprinkler 360 °, which covers large areas of the roots, giving them a misting.
A source of mist of the nutrient solution can also be ultrasonic transducers, for example, of the humidifier. It is the Foundation of the piezoceramic element in the form of a flat membrane, to which is applied an alternating voltage with a frequency equal to the resonant frequency of the membrane (about 1.7 MHz). The result of piezoelectric effect, the membrane begins to mechanically oscillate with the same frequency. If it’s submerged in the nutrient solution, then attached to the membrane layers alternate between a region of rarefaction and condensation of the liquid. In the areas of rarefaction due to the phenomenon of cavitation fluid boil without heating, only by lowering its pressure, and thrown into the air separate the fine particles of the liquid. Over the membrane appears a mist of separate droplets, the diameter of which depends on the oscillation frequency of the membrane. The temperature of the mist produced in this way does not exceed 40 °C, so it is called “cold”. But it’s still twice the optimal temperature in the root zone.
If you try to cool the solution over the membrane, it will reduce the unit performance. The same thing happens if you cool the fog before it is fed into the root zone – it will start to condense. The imbalance in the thermal regime of aerosol-fog hampers the use of ultrasound in Aeroponics.
Foreign experience in using Aeroponics:
Aeroponics technology to be applied one foreign company, is one of the best in the world. Its technology gives a yield of 390 times greater than traditional methods of agriculture. Thanks to her collect up to 30 crops in a year. Therefore, this successful experience of foreign companies and its technological solutions can and should be used at agricultural enterprises of Russia.
Plants grow on pallets, tightly covered with a special reusable cloth. The fabric sleep seeds. In the pan in the space under the cloth is a mist containing water, nutrients and oxygen. Fabric is arranged in such a way that moisture, causing it to seed. The fabric serves as a barrier, not allowing the fog to penetrate into the surrounding space. Seeds quickly germinate and take root. Plantsgerminating, firmly fixed its root system in a special fabric. They gradually grow and form a strong root system in the space under the cloth. From this space filled with mist, they consume water, oxygen and essential nutrients.
Special reusable fabric not only serves as a natural barrier that does not allow the fog to penetrate into the surrounding space, but also a great material to which their roots attached to the plant and in which well-rooted. After harvest, the fabric after special treatment, is reused.
For lighting of plants using artificial light. So for each top pallet attached led lamp. Each kind of plant illuminated by light with a certain spectrum, intensity and frequency.
Of pallets (10 or more) are formed multi-storied tiers, and from them – the vertical farm. Racks with trays can be placed in any indoor environment, for example in high hangar or a factory floor.
At the moment, the time for vertical farms, a foreign company can grow to 250 different species of plants.
It (company) vertical farms consume 95% less water than conventional farming, and 40% less water than hydroponics. Together with the mist to the roots of plants and serves nutrients, water and oxygen. The mist contains all nutrients, micro and macro elements needed by the plant. In the end, the productivity of vertical farms on the basis of Aeroponics 390 times greater than conventional agricultural fields. And the whole farm is able to produce up to 30 crops in a year.
The whole system (feed fog, lighting, etc.) is controlled remotely by the computer. Intelligent control system, having accumulated the necessary analytical material, has the ability to anticipate the future result, i.e. the yield. It allows you to avoid typical risks inherent in traditional agriculture.
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