A rapid method of analysis infections.
Created a rapid method of analysis infections, to identify microbes and to identify the antibiotics to which they are resistant, for 6 hours – i.e. 10 times faster than with the traditional method.
A rapid method of analysis infections:
Created a rapid method of analysis infections, to identify microbes and to identify the antibiotics to which they are resistant, 10 times faster than it is now.
The traditional method of the analysis of infections is time-consuming. It is carried out using Petri dishes and takes about one week. It is conducted only in specialized institutions and, as a rule, for hospital patients. Creating a miniature mobile devices for rapid identification of pathogens and determine their sensitivity to antibiotics allows you to choose the tactics of treatment of infectious diseases, to improve its efficiency, to decentralize microbiological analysis and make it available to the entire population, including remote areas.
The technology of Express-analysis of recognition time infection takes about 6 hours. Colonies of bacteria grown on the surface of the porous plate. Plate is a disposable replacement cartridge – miniature platform made from anodic aluminum oxide (or ceramic, polymer or metal) formed on its upper surface areas of growth colonies of microbial cells. The porous plate is located in a special housing in such a way that formed the top and bottom of the tank shell, which is provided with inlet and outlet for liquid media.
Through the pores (holes) of the lower surface of the plate is fed nutrient solution. And the nutrient solution in the zone of growth colonies of microbial cells is served by creating a pressure differential between the inlet and outlet holes.
The growth of the bacteria is made in the form of porous membranes, which are arranged in such a way that it does not pass the microbial cells. They are located on the upper surface of the plate. The upper surface of the plate is made with the possibility of transmission of gases, but not permeable to moisture and particles in the external environment, with the possibility of monitoring growth of colonies.
© https://iz.ru/823402/mariia-nediuk/antimikrobnaia-neotlozhka-effektivnye-lekarstva-naidut-v-schitannye-chasy, https://sdelanounas.ru/blogs/116097/
Disconnecting microcolony grown from the growth areas is carried out by water hammer.
Cover container may be provided with a Central window, with fixed therein an optical glass for monitoring the growth of colonies.
After growing colonies colonies of bacteria automatically move to an adjacent identification modules, where they are sorted by type and checked against a library of visual images of microcolony. Then the marked pathogens are moved to the growth modules for testing sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.
In the end, using the Express-method allows in automatic mode, concentrated and quick to grow colonies of bacteria to diagnose bacterial infectious disease and properly treated with antibiotics.
In the traditional method diagnosis the choice of antibiotics to combat the bacterium is made empirically. Express-method of cultivation of colonies of pathogenic microbial cells enables to ensure an orderly growth of individual microcolony and concentrated selection of the right antibiotics.
Thus, it appears that the microbiological analysis using the rapid method is carried out in a portable laboratory in real-time. The doctor can observe all stages of the process via the display. After completion of the test microbial sensitivity to antibiotics, which lasts about 6 hours, the device gives the result: what microbes survive after application of a drug. In the end, the doctor will be able to find effective treatment, rather than to prescribe useless drugs.
Note: © Photo //www.pexels.com, //pixabay.com, https://iz.ru/823402/mariia-nediuk/antimikrobnaia-neotlozhka-effektivnye-lekarstva-naidut-v-schitannye-chasy, https://sdelanounas.ru/blogs/116097/