A method of increasing the efficiency of labor – “Soviet economic miracle”
Method of increasing the efficiency of labour, it can safely be called “Soviet economic miracle”.
MBE allow each employee to realize their creative potential (from each according to his ability), to obtain the corresponding reward (to each according to his labour) and generally to feel like a person, respected person. Other members of the team also received its share of rewards, which excluded the envy and labor conflicts that were characteristic of the Stakhanov movement. Method of increasing the efficiency of labour has resulted in the USSR the first industrialization, high economic growth rates in the pre-war and post-war years, the victory in the great Patriotic war, the restoration of the national economy of the USSR in the shortest possible time in the postwar years.
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A method of increasing the efficiency of labor is:
Having mastered these technologies, You will:
Reasons to buy this technology
Our systems (technology) management
In the late 30-ies of XX century the slogan characterizing the economic essence of socialism – “From each according to ability – to each according to his work”, had become constructive, devoid of subjectivity features and has become widely implemented in all spheres of the national economy, providing in the post-war period of unprecedented pace of development of the country.
Initiated the development of a method for increasing the efficiency of labor (briefly – “MBE”), most likely, was L. P. Beria, who, being in the 30-ies of the party leader of Georgia, has transformed it in just a few years from a very backward one of the most economically developed and prosperous republics of the USSR. To implement this slogan was not necessary to possess any economic knowledge, and should be guided by only common sense.
The essence of the proposed method was to separate any collective activities on a scheduled and unscheduled. The planned activity is to perform a certain volume of work at any given time. For planned activities, the employee receives a monthly or weekly salary, the value of which depends on the qualification and work experience in the specialty. Part of the salaries given in the form of quarterly and annual bonuses that ensures the interest of employees in the implementation of the plan (failure to comply with the plan the whole team loses the premium).
The leadership usually has the ability to vary the value of the award, encouraging the industrious and punishing the negligent, but on the efficiency of the team is affected little. Worldwide employees are engaged exclusively planned activities. But in this case the employee has no opportunity to demonstrate their abilities. Only sometimes clever head may accidentally notice these abilities and further employee through the ranks. But most any output beyond a certain plan of work is discouraged, but punished.
The genius of the developers of MBE was the fact that they were able to regulate the concept of a surplus of work for most community activities and to develop devoid of subjectivity the system of material and moral encouragement for this work.
MBE allow each employee to realize their creative potential (from each according to his ability), to obtain the corresponding reward (to each according to his labour) and generally to feel like a person, respected person. Other members of the team also received its share of rewards, which excluded the envy and labor conflicts that were characteristic of the Stakhanov movement.
Method of increasing the efficiency of labour has resulted in the USSR the first industrialization, high economic growth rates in the pre-war and post-war years, the victory in the great Patriotic war, the restoration of the national economy of the USSR in the shortest possible time in the postwar years.
A method of increasing the efficiency of labor is:
– Innovation management. The creation of innovation-oriented management structure.
– Motivation of staff. The creation of a cohesive workforce.
– The material is intended for training managers at all levels.
Having mastered these technologies, You will:
– possess a clear step-by-step algorithm to manage any organization with number of staff – 100, 1 000, 10 000 or more people
– create a management system that will work for You,
– increase the motivation of their subordinates without financial cost,
– increase the productivity of Your organization by 38%, and thus the profit
– every employee of Your organization will work according to uniform control technology that does not require additional knowledge in the field of management. All that he will have a clear step by step instructions that it needs to do!
Reasons to buy this technology:
If You are a Manager or business owner? And You want to have a close-knit team, to continuously improve labor productivity, reduce production costs.
If You are a business owner or top Manager? And You want to discover new opportunities to create innovation-oriented management structure.
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